Synerplus® “S” Antidecubito
One-block bi-modular mattress with incisions on flexion points, or three-sectioned (standard), or multi-sectioned and whole cover (standard) or multi-sectioned and articulated cover (upon request). Provides great comfort to patients both in specialised and at risk of decubitus hospitalization.
The leaning module, with anti-decubitus function, is manufactured with Synergel® (density 60 kg/m3 and medium-high bearing capacity), a special expanded polyether, polyester and silicon expanded copolymer, flexible, modeling, thermo-press-formable (viscoelastic – slow memory) and not measurable elastic response (resilience), according to UNI regulations.
The lack of elastic memory allows a drastic reduction of compression onto tissues and an effective prevention activity on low-medium-high risk patients, as well as the healing effect for stage 1 decubitus lesions.
Synerplus® “S” Antidecubitus mattress can be used as a medical device for primary prevention in patients with a low-medium risk of developing decubitus (rate 4-3 Norton scale, score >18 – 14). Its use has proved to be useful when combined with different medical-surgical and nursing practices for Norton scale assessed patients rated 2 (score 14 to 10). Limited or restrictive use is whilst recommended for patients rated 1 (score <10). The Synerplus® “S” Antidecubitus Tr is recommended in the treatment of decubitus disease stage 1, as well as, with greater attention, in the treatment of decubitus disease stage 2, along with regular nursing, pharmacological and surgical procedures.
High performance polyurethane expanded foam, static reactive open- cells mattress, with thermo-press-formable leaning surface manufactured with Synergel®.
Recommended for ordinary, specialised and at risk of decubitus hospitalization. Also indicate for very low compressive gradient posture on the musculo-skeletal system, which is crucial in the prevention of pressure caused skin lesions and in the treatment of pain and inflammatory symptoms.