Synstat® Antidecubito

Static reactive bi-modular mattress with special incisions on flexion points, or three-section with whole cover (standard) or multi-section and articulated cover (upon request). Ensures a very high postural comfort for patients in ordinary, specialised and at risk of decubitus hospitalization.

The base module is manufactured with a ‘cradle’ pattern and with containment and safety edges in high density and very high bearing capacity 40S expanded polyurethane. Allows CPR function. The leaning module, with anti-decubitus function, is manufactured with Synergel® (density 60 kg/m3, medium-high bearing capacity), a special expanded viscoelasticc shape-memory flexible, molding thermo-press-formable copolymer and not measurable elastic response (resilience) according to UNI regulations. The lack of elastic memory allows a drastic reduction of compression onto tissues and an effective prevention activity on low-medium-high risk patients.

The special Synergel® leaning surface, shaped as a truncated-pyramid with independent movement, provides high transpiration, a drastic reduction of shear-friction forces, as well as optimal comfort and posture in all different hospitalization, including those specialised and at risk of decubitus.

The Synstat® Antidecubito® mattress can be used as a medical device for primary prevention in patients with a low risk of developing decubitus (rate 4 Norton scale, score  >18). Its use has proved to be useful when combined with different medical-surgical practices for Norton scale assessed patients rated 3 (score 18 to 14). Limited or restrictive use is whilst recommended for patients rated 2 (score 14-10) and discouraged for patients rated 1 (score <10).



Ultra-high performance  static reactive open- cells polyurethane expanded foam mattress, with leaning surface manufactured in thermo-press-formable Synergel® shaped as a deep truncated-pyramid with independent movement.

Recommended in ordinary, specialised and at risk of decubitus hospitalization. Also recommended for postures with low compressive gradient on the musculo-skeletal system, which is functional to the prevention of pressure caused skin lesions and in the treatment of pain and inflammatory symptoms.


Our Certifications

materassi certificati ce

Medical Device class 1 MDR UE 2017/745 and subsequent modifications and additions

materassi igienici e trattamento sanitario permanente

Hygiene and permanent
Sanitation Treatment

materassi latex free senza lattice


materassi e prodotti ergonomici certificati

Ergonomic mattresses
certified by Ergocert

Requisiti prestazionali certificati

Performance Requirements
UNI 10707 REV2003

Azienda certificata iso 9001:2008


Azienda certificata iso 9001:2008